I see You

Couples talking about opening up their relationship

Polyamorous folx who need help navigating their various connections

Long-married monogamous couples experiencing challenges or conflict

Partners wanting help with deciding whether to separate, begin couples therapy or keep things the way they are (discernment counseling)

New parents challenged by all the changes

Parents who are experiencing disagreements around child-rearing styles or difficulties in their relationships with their child(ren)

Adult children and parents who need help with longstanding (or new) difficulties with their relationship

it’s not about the dishes

I’m attachment-focused and will want us to work toward understanding how childhood experiences may be impacting your current relationships. I’m trained in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, which aims to help people understand the patterns in their dynamic and to foster the creation of a secure bond between partners or other family members. I’m also eclectic and flexible in response to your stage of life, your personality and other factors that may be affecting you and are showing up in our sessions.